By Batya Medad
I wasn’t quite sure what was acceptablerecently, so I only took a couple ofpictures after it was over, and only one iseven barely acceptable.You can see her inthe distance wearing a black hat.
Strange for me, I have troubleremembering her points, even though Iwas mesmerized and listened to everyword. But I’m very kinesthetic andfeel experiences instead of memorizingverbal details.
Davka, on Shabbat we ate at neighborsand discussed the Rabbi Avi Weiss”Rabba” controversy concerning hisordaining Sara Hurwitz as a rabba,or female rabbi. Besides this smicha(ordination controversy), I know nothingabout Sara Hurwitz. Her position is a job,which she shares with others. As far asI’m concerned, none of these private rabbinicsmicha titles are all that convincing,man, woman or whatever. I don’t thinkthe testing should be by the teachers. Thefact that it’s Rabbi Weiss’s school, shul,smicha and so forth makes it totallyproblematic as far as I can see. Thereshould be checks and balances like agood government system. Hurwitz’sattempt to break through that glassceiling in the American rabbinate seemsmuch more like a worker’s problem. Sincewe don’t have synagogue-based Jewishcommunities here, and I’ve been living inIsrael two-thirds of my long-enough-toget-some-discounts life, it’s really difficultto relate to the issue.
The Rabbanit Yemima seems muchhappier in her frum female skin. Not onlyis she not trying to break through anyglass ceiling, but she reminded us not toobsess about Passover cleaning and togive the kids fun jobs so they won’tremember pre-Passover as a nightmare.It’s a bit too many decades late for me andmy kids, but I’m glad that my daughterwas influenced by better mothers.
As I wrote in last night’s post, theRabbanit Yemima’s presentation is pure”stand-up.” Mary Poppins sweetened itwith a spoon full of honey, and RebbetzinYemima with laughs. Laughing is healthy.The evening began with Tehillim, Psalms for the sick and those in need of othertypes of health.
May this be for a refuah shleimah(complete recovery) for: Rachel bat Echyaand all others in need of our prayers
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