Focus On Healing


A Focus on Healing

Rosh Hodesh: Finding strength one month at a time

by Amy Hirshberg Lederman

I listened to the phone message from Cindy and knew that something was wrong. I could hear it in her voice, even through the static on my answering machine. I called her back immediately and my worst fears were confirmed: Cindy had breast cancer.
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Adapting Technology To Enhance Religious Services

by Rabbi James R. Michaels

The notion of technological innovation to enhance Jewish worship services might seem a contradiction in terms to the casual observer. A Jewish religious service has a traditional format, is based on printed texts from the prayer book or from the Torah, and calls for recitation (either chanted or read) by those who are adept in synagogue skills. In the world of Jewish aging services, however, technology is often employed to make the traditional davenen (praying) and more liberal services more accessible and enjoyable to residents.
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Latest Issue

Focus on Healing – January 16, 2013

Past Healing Issues

Focus on Healing – June 20, 2012 Focus on Healing – January 21, 2009
Focus on Healing – January 12, 2011 Focus on Healing – June 11, 2008
Focus on Healing – July 14, 2010 Focus on Healing – January 23, 2008
Focus on Healing – January 27, 2010 Focus on Healing – July 27, 2007
Focus on Healing – June 24, 2009 Focus on Healing – July 7, 2007

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